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Re: [F_minor] Brahms D minor / Baltimore

Brad Lehman wrote:
That Gould/Adler/Baltimore performance of the Brahms is extreme in a different way: it has one of the fastest second movements I know. No dawdling. They get through it in 9'32". In most of the other recordings I have (by other people) that movement takes 14-16 minutes. Even Horowitz took as much as 12'40" and 12'35" playing it with Toscanini and Walter. Gould/Bernstein/NYP took 13'36".
Yes I don't get the slow movement, all those youthful surgings. I love the last movement, one of Brahms' most inspired I think, and Glenn really going for it. I'm always amazed at how free Gould's playing was live vs. recordings. His concerts must have been extraordinary events.

What are people's favourite Gouldian concerto recordings ? My list

- Bach F minor (with Lenny)
- Bach D minor (Leningrad)
- Beethoven 4 with Lenny
- Mozart 24 with Susskind
-  Beehoven 3 with Karajan


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