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Re: Bach Parts to hum

Elisha Tseng wrote:

>> Dear F-minor,
>> Just a curiosity question: when you listen to Bach, which part do you
>> usually hum?  In two-part pieces, do you hum/sing the upper part or lower
>> part?

I  sometimes sing (not hum)  the most prominent voice , as Juozas Rimas said
in his reply. But often I dont sing any of the parts exactly: I  find I
invent a new part, that I fondly imagine harmonises with what Bach actually
wrote....He would, no doubt, wince painfully if he heard.  I am after all,
no musician. And I only "sing" like this when completely alone (e.g. in my
car), for fear of eliciting rude and offensive remarks and  strange looks
from family and friends.
This question assumes all F-minors are moved to offer vocal accompaniments
to Bach. Are they? Most people I know however seem to prefer to listen in
respectful silence! I don't hum for any particular purpose; its just because
the music moves me. Yet, oddly perhaps, I dont think I ever sing to the