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Re: GG recordings

Hello Mike,

Thanks for your email.

>Your shop in Broome is better than most in Sydney.

I must have phrased my email wrongly. I meant to imply that, WRT being 
up-to-date, the Broome shop has just ceased stocking bamboo needles. Most 
of its few CDs look like rejects from the rest of Oz. Mantovani counts as 
'classical' and the later Slim Dusty records as 'serious'. Apart from 
that it's a great shop.

>What is the information on these CDs?  Maybe I can order them.

I got the following URL a few weeks back from someone on the list:


That's the CBC GG page. It's devoted to the recent (ie, since about 1996) 
releases by CBC of recordings of radio broadcasts GG made on CBC radio in 
the 1950s. Ordering is not as streamlined as on, say, the Music Boulevard 
site because I seem to remember having to hop about a bit, but it does 
work. CBC send you no confirmatory email; the CDs just arrive a couple of 
weeks later. The recording standards are all lowish with some being lower 
than others. None are really good so don't buy these CDs for easy 
listening. They are all mainly of historical value, although GG's genius, 
as usual, shines through the external clatter.

I'm copying this to the list just in case it interests others. Best 

Broome, Western Australia