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Re: a spectre is haunting F_Minor

At 08:49 PM 12/30/00 -0500, you wrote:
well ... in for a 100th of a Euro, in for a Euro, I always say ...

Does anyone have an opinion about the syndicated radio program "Hearts
of Space"?

I'll be fulsome in my praise, and paraphrase Antonio el Tigre: "it's Sop-O-rrrRIFffic!"

Has GG ever made an appearance of any sort on it?

As if having his Bach performance sent out with the space probe wasn't enough?

I suppose they could consider playing GG's orchestral recording of the
Siegfried Idyll...nah.  Sure, it's slow enough, but it's still too

Talking about space music: have you ever heard the 1955 RCA LP "Exploring
the Unknown," with The Voices of Walter Schumann (a choir crooning
wordlessly behind a narrator)?  LPM 1025.  "Into the unknown night, into
limitless space, into worlds beyond the imagination--but not the reach--of
man.  Careful and studied preparations for departure, every last detail
attended to, every moment ripe with expectation and wonder.  Here is the
moment toward which we have been striving, here is the moment which will
launch us into a new time, a new era, a new life--perhaps even into a new
dimension. (...)  We are welcomed into a new world, we sense a strangeness,
an unknown mystery which can neither be defined nor spoken.  It is like
looking in a mirror and seeing, not ourselves, but an endless succession of
other mirrors in which nothing is reflected but thin air and hazy
dreams.  Here we stand on the brink of timelessness, here we feel that we
cannot possibly grow old--only younger and more adventuresome.  For here we
have found one new world and there are countless others which lay just
beyond our grasp. (...)"

Not making this up.

Bradley Lehman, Dayton VA
home: http://i.am/bpl or  http://www-personal.umich.edu/~bpl
clavichord CD's: http://listen.to/bpl or http://www.mp3.com/bpl
trumpet and organ: http://www.mp3.com/hlduo

"Music must cause fire to flare up from the spirit - and not only sparks
from the clavier...." - Alfred Cortot