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where can I find prints, shirts, etc.


During Glenn's B-Day I was shocked to read on this
list that at least two members of F_Minor had Glenn
Gould t-shirts, to wear with pride. . . I was shocked
not at the celebration of Glenn, (and all that he had
done) but that these individuals were able to somehow
purchase Glenn Gould t-shirts. I have not been able to
find any seller of the aforementioned casual wear.
Also I've had no success in my journey to find a
poster or print of Glenn to hang up in my studio. . .
I will admit that I have been not a little green, over
this, and that after reading of the two t-shirt
wearer-s, I redoubled my web journeys, searching for
the items, but all to no avail. Please help me, in my
search for t-shirts, prints, posters, and a complete
catalog (that can be ordered from) of Glenn's
recordings, films and writings.

Green in WA,

Ben Smith

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