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GG: Celebrating GG's 70th

G'day f-minorers
Next year marks the celebration of what would have been Glenn Gould's
70tth Birthday. I reckon that it is about time that we as a community
start to think about how we can celebrate the event or add something to
the festivities. There is still enough time to influence some of the
people who will eventually decide what will happen. I'll bet a sixpack
that the CBC  or Sony (duh) will celebrate the occasion in  one way or
another and I don't want to see Sony releasing another rip-off
compilation to immature and innocent buyers.

If I had a say, enough time, noney and energy here's what I would do

1 Get the CD-ROM thing going again
 They told us that they would bring Gould's ideas into the 21st Century
and due to  legal battles nothing happened. The idea of approaching GG
and his ideas in a multimedial way still sounds far too interesting for
me to be left in the trashbin

2 So what is really left in the icebox?
Not much I reckon. Or at least not much that would shed new light on how
GG performed or approached some composers. There may be some alternate
takes, breakdowns etc. Stuff for the hardcore Gouldian that would have
never gotten GG's approval to be released. But it would be nice to have
the material on the National Library of Canada site on CD. And I am
absolutely sure that there is enough material in the vaults of the CBC
that would deserve a release without disturbing the whole myth everybody
is trying to keep up . Personally, I'd love to hear the feature about
Pet Clarke and the Port Chilikoot thing.

4 Spinning Tall Tales
Le's give a copy of The Idea of North/Solitude Trilogy to a range of
selected artists and see what they do with it. The range of artists
(IMHO) would include Biosphere (now here's a real northlander for you),
Scanner (known for samping phone conversations), Aphex Twin (genius;
eccentric) The Orb, Ken Ishi, Richie Hawtin, Skinny Puppy and a bunch of
others. I am well aware that the idea is a bit strange but otoh it wuld
be interesting to see what would come out.

It wuld be nice if we could contribute at least something to next year's
events and try to kickstart a few people

Further questions, suggestions, complaints et are welcome.
