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Sorta GG: Russell Oberlin (was Re: R: Re: BWV 54 conducted by Glenn Gould)

From: madiva <madiva@WORKING.IT>
> Please,  you could gives me news about Russell Oberlin ?
> He has interested me  under the magistral direction of Glenn Gould.

There's an interview from 1996 here:

Here's the same interview -- but this one has a picture:

Here's his entry from the Voice Teachers Academy web page. (They misspelled
his name in the URL.)

There's a discography here:

There's an article here:

There is a biographical entry on Russell Oberlin (from 1960) here:
The picture is in color. They were right. He really did have red hair!

Tim Page interviewed Russell Oberlin in 1995. That Tim Page guy sure gets
around, doesn't he? ;-> Somewhere on the net, I think you can find the Real
Audio version of that interview. But darn if I know where it went!

You can buy his CDs on the Lyrichord label! I know because I have one. :->