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How to Unsub from F-Minor

From: Printed Publications <prpub@BGUMAIL.BGU.AC.IL>

> unsub

To leave F-Minor, go to this web page:

Fill in your e-mail address and name as directed, and then click the "Leave
the List" button. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail. (This
prevents people from unsubbing you as a practical "joke.")

If you have a List Serv password, you can quit without the confirmation
address by logging in with that password.

Special Note: On any mailing list, you should never send commands such as
unsub to the list address itself. The list address is for posting messages
to the list, not commands.

When you send your command to the list address, what happens is that all
the members read the command. However, they can do nothing to help you
except send you instructions like this. Luckily, F-Minor is pretty civil.
On some lists, you would get flamed repeatedly if you sent "unsub" messages
to the list address.

P.S. Don't forget to cut and paste as appropriate when responding to

Anne Marble
Not a list admin...
Just used to lashing list members with a wet noodle