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RE: GG "Moscow" live of Bach Sinfonias

Thank you, Tim, for the mail.
I think I should ask first the Sony Classical
via its Tokyo branch for the inquiry
of the "Moscow" live.


Junichi (Tokyo) 

From: 	Tim Conway
Sent: 	Tuesday, October 29, 1996 2:40 AM
To: 	frank@clark.net; Junichi Miyazawa
Cc: 	f_minor mailing list; GOULD-L list
Subject: 	RE: GG "Moscow" live of Bach Sinfonias

G'day Frank,

>Here's the URL for Austria's Federal Ministry of Science, Transport,
>the Arts:

Sorry, mate. Like many others you've confused Austria with Australia.
thinking of asking the government to change our country's name to 
'strighliyah (which is v roughly how we pronounce it). I think the 
country address you want is not .au but something like .os.

Best regards and Gruss Gott,

Tim Conway

Tim Conway
301 Glenfern Road
Upwey, VIC 3158, Australia
Tel: +61.3.9754.8544
Fax: +61.3.9752.5309
email: <tpconway@ozemail.com.au>
Intel spends an average of $8,000 a year per for each PC to keep its 

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