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GG "Nagra" tape recorder

In the GG letter to Paul Myers on March 11, 1974
(English version, p.205; French version, p.355),
there is a name "Nagra".

According to the footnotes, 
"The Nagra was a highly regarded portable tape 
recorder often used by radio and television 
journalists"(English version, p.205).

So, is it a kind of a brand name like Ampex?
Where is it made in?  US?
Is it an audio tape recorder or a video one?
Is a Nagra tape recorder still available?
Is it still used? . . . . . 

Let me make it sure and have a bit more info
re the machine.  (As a matter of fact,
I am now translating the book of
GG letters into Japanese: translation requires 
to know every detail of the text.)

Thank you.

Junichi / junichi_miyazawa@msn.com