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RE: Intros

I'm not too new, but I haven't said much so far.  I got interested in Gould about 20 years ago from the Beethoven recordings, specifically the 5th Piano Concerto.  I think his performance is simply amazing.  As an amateur pianist, I have been working on this piece for many years, and still get totally inspired when I listen to GG's performance.  I don't care much for Bach (please no flames, everyone is entitiled to their opinions) although I do have his recording of the Goldberg variations and all the other (very few) Bach recordings I have are GGs.  I'm still looking forward to hearing some of GG's interpretation of Mozart as there are so many negative comments about how GG felt about Mozart.  For some reason, I think this would be a strong (and probably interesting if not controversial) contrast to some of the more traditional Mozart artists such as Lili Kraus.

Off topic, but some of my favorite other pianists include but are not limited to Andre Watts (Rachmaninoff), Rudolf Serkin (Beethoven), Anton Rubenstein (just about anything), and of course Vladimir Horowitz (Chopin, Scriabin and Schumann).  It's sad that all but one of the above are no longer with us.

I'd like to hear other's opinions about the above artists and others that you find inspiring.


Dave Budde
Chief Technology Officer
RadiSys Corp.
Portland, OR USA
email: dbudde@teleport.com or dbudde@radisys.com

From: 	Mary Jo Watts[SMTP:mwatts@rci.rutgers.edu]
Sent: 	Friday, May 24, 1996 4:00 PM
To: 	f_minor@gandalf.rutgers.edu
Subject: 	GG:Intros

So many people have come and gone on the list (which hovers in membership
around 170 people from around 14 different countries) that I'd like to
extend the request for new members to introduce themselves, maybe
explain how you got interested in Gould, what your favorite recordings
are, etc.  

I have to say I've been listening to GG's Gibbons/Byrd/Sweelink CD
with much joy recently.  Is there anyone on the list who's familiar
with these pieces?  Do recordings by other artists exist and if so are
GG's vastly different?

The liner notes say that people criticized GG for not playing the
pieces on a virginal-- what does one sound like? 

Also I wonder if anyone has a favorite recording of Orlando Gibbons'
Anthems that they could suggest.  

-Mary Jo