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GG and Scholars

Hi, list members:
Although I think (and personally I've experienced) that with some further information music can give an extra amount of pleasure, I also think that too much information can turn into a serious nonsense.
You know, it happens with movies (specially nowadays, with DVD). Often you find featurettes and "How it was done" that are the only interesting thing around.
If you go to the movies, you "obviously" want to see THE MOVIE. You reasonably tolerate some comments, but if the featurette is longer, or more interesting than the movie, that's the end of it.
Curiously, this happens to be not so obvious when it comes to "serious" music.
Sometimes I think that with low prices and massive consume, classical music is available to anyone who wants to approach.
So here comes some pathologig need for scholarship for the sake of scholarship itself.
So here cmos the "expert" and whispers: "Yes, you can listen to this music....But can you analyze it from a technical point of view, and taking in account the Russian Piano School as a comparative reference...AAAAAAHHHHHHH, GOTTCHA!!"
I think that people who likes Gould's playing are above this kind of stupidity, regardless of the musical knowledge they have. This makes me a little surprised about the importance it seems to have the issue to at least some members (WARNING: I'm NOT banning the issue, I'm even taking part of it).
With all due respect, in certain point, I'm glad if Gould was NOT a scholar...otherwise, we would have tons of literature to read on how to play music, and much, much less music to listen. :o)