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Ebook in memory of Glenn Gould

 I just wanted to post a
notice that I have recently published a fictional work (I call it a word
movie) in Microsoft Reader ebook format dedicated to the memory of Glenn
The work, "Immortal Khan," begins with a 900 year old Taoist master searching
for his 600 year old student, Khan.  It isn't about Glenn Gould, and doesn't
even have anything to do with the music world.  I dedicated it to his memory
not only out of respect for his musical artistry but for his stance on
nonviolence and pacifism.

There is a "soundtrack" to it, though.  I put "soundtrack" within quotation
marks because as a presentation in electronic text it has no sounds or sound
files attached to it.

As a point of trivia, the soundtrack (such that it is) is comprised of
portions of Johann Sebastian Bach's Partita #4 in D Major.  When I mention it
in the text, I have in mind Gould's 1962-1963 recording of the Partita,
except for the fast part of the Ouverture, which is the version recorded 16
years later in 1979 for CBC.  The two very different interpretations can
appear in the same work because they are never "heard" contiguously.


Immortal Khan from Scorpius Digital: