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My WTC 1 complete and online

My WTC 1 is online, complete, and ordered from Prelude 1 to Fugue  24.
All opinions are welcome.  Indeed, I need feedback of any kind.

Many of the pieces need work.   I do a reasonably good job with preludes 8,
10, 12, and 13.  So the listener might profitably start with these. Fugues
6, 7, 11, 12 and 13 are satisfactory.   I'm not at all happy about the C
major and C# minor fugues, to cite just two examples.  They, and
others, need work, which I will do when my law practice permits.

As always, I re-think various preludes and fugues along the way, such as the
C major Fugue, and I expect to have it, and others that I'm not entirely
happy with, replaced ASAP.

Das Wohltemperierte Klavier II I have moved to a completely different site,
but still in mp3.com.   I am currently adding preludes and fugues from Book
2 to it.

I should note that there is much about mp3.com that I don't like, but it is
the "only game in town," so I am stuck with it.

John Grant