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RE: It's Fish, not World

It was either "How Much is that Dolby in the Window" or "Who's Afraid of the
Big Bad Wolfgang" (K.9). 

-----Original Message-----
From: i [mailto:a2962632@smail.Uni-Koeln.DE]
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 12:57 PM
To: F-Minor
Subject: It's Fish, not World

Dear 4-flats,

I'd just like to mention that the song Glenn sings to the
elephants in the zoo is *certainly* not "ich bin der welt
abhanden gekommen" but, as I said before, the "Fischpredigt". The
scene in question ends with Glenn saying something  like  "... I
mixed up some words..." "...a question of tempo..." followed by
laughter from different voices in the off.

But maybe there's even another GG-Portrait singing a different
song to different animals? If someone has an update on this,
please let me know,,,