--- Begin Message ---
Dear MJ,
It's been a while since I've subbed to f_minor but I still think of the
period spent as part of that community with great affection. GG still
plays a big part in my listening though perhaps a little less at the
moment than has been the case.
I'm still in love with a new state-of-the-art PowerBook I recently
bought and enjoying -- for the first time! -- colour web browsing,
downloading images etc. I'm writing really to congratulate you and
everyone else concerned in the f_minor homepage: what a labour of love!
Elegant, well-designed, thoughtful, tasteful. The archives in particular
are a superb job: I got such a kick out of looking through my old
postings *and* exploring some of the hot links to other sites contained
within them. Brilliant.
I really would like it if you were able to pass the best wishes of an
old subscriber to the list. My very warmest congratulations on a job
superbly well done.
Kind regards to all,
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