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Tragedy and Ecstasy...

Hello all,

I am glad to see activity on this list, since the National Library of
Canada list is totally idle and nobody answered my last message.

I just heard this week about the book by Peter Ostwald, Glenn Gould:
Tragedy and Ecstasy of Genius.  It has been published in May 97, by a
publisher called "Horton" or something like that.

Has anyone read it yet?



Brigitte Gemme, Montrial, Quibec.
Montrial, soleil et pluie: http://www.mlink.net/~gemme

Pourquoi acheter des carabines ` ripitition, des 
armements nucliaires pour s'amuser? C'est dangereux!
Et quand c'est dans la maison, y peut y avoir un
enfant qui se sert de ga...
				Jean Chritien
				Premier ministre
				du Canada en campagne
				Mai 1997