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[F_MINOR] Music and Entertainment Technology


Funny you should mention funk, PhD theses and video games in one post!
The last chapter of my dissertation discusses video game consoles
allowing "stories" to split off from CD-ROM PC technology.  I start the
dissertation with GG imagining CD-ROM-like tech (the music kit) and end
where you are--of course the I-Pod plays a role-- but that's another
story.  I think GG would certainly find video games decadent, no?  Even
the SIMS is a bit on the tropical side although I think he'd secretly
enjoy controlling a bunch of unwitting puppet-people.  Especially if his
SIM could call others in the middle of the night with good results which
mine cannot.  My vote is he'd go for the I-pod and leave the gaming
consoles behind even though he'd never given them a chance.  Although
the idea of GG partaking in a friendly game of Dance Dance Revolution
makes me LOL. Here's the quandary though-- would he BUY his downloads or
would he snitch them?  Or would he pay somebody to digitize his vinyl?
(The only LEGAL Sibelius 5th I could get was not the version I wanted
but was just over 5$.)

The funk?  Well, I won't bother you with images of me working for days
on end thru the night!  Actually I'm a great procrastinator and this
dissertation is the entire focus of my put-it-off-til-next-year skill.
It's kind of a non-take-two-ness fear.  Like if I actually put
everything down and submit it to my committee-- it's sort of like my
statement about Bach printed in vinyl (to stretch this parallel to its

-Mary Jo

lstanwyk wrote:

HaHaHa way too funny.  Knowing Glenn's funk is still alive and well and
stored at the NLC is oddly reassuring. Wonder where they keep stinky hat
and scarf? on the shelf next to the PhD theses?
I used to collect GG vids - taped just about every t.v. program that has
been aired about GG for the last 20 yrs., e.g., segments where Yehudi
Menuhin is the interviewee, both arguing on the old 'recording versus
live' debate.  I wonder, if Glenn was still alive, what he'd think of pc
games, and the general mind-blowing advancement of AI technology in
entertainment.  My prediction is that pc games will replace t.v. as the
main source of entertainment in most households.  Why watch the movie
when you can star in it, as well as control the story, in a pc game?


Elmer_Elevator wrote:

This suggests, a la Jurassic Park, that someday, someone may try to clone
Glenn Gould from the DNA on his funky hat and scarf. We've only just been
temporarily grieving. Glenn Gould may soon be back among us.

When he's no longer decomposing, maybe he'll finally get around to


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary Jo Watts" <mwatts@EDEN.RUTGERS.EDU>
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [F_MINOR] Glenn Gould Collectibles

Elmer_Elevator wrote:

I think I could resist all Gouldiana -- except his wonderful winter long
scarfs. Maybe he only had one. Where has it gone? I would sell my soul



This is kind of gross, but I think I remember reading somewhere or
somebody told me that the librarians at the National Library of Canada
had a great debate when they received GG's hat (and I think scarf).
Apparently they were kind of funky-- as in they were dirty with GG's
body funk. The great debate was-- should they store them as they
received them or should they send them to the dry cleaners?  I think
they elected to store his funk (and possibly his DNA) for posterity.
Now I'm pretty sure I didn't make this story up but if I did it would
make an interesting vignette for a sci-fi novel...

-Mary Jo

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