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Re: GG and Marriage: a Question of Sex?

> I am sure that all femail F-Minors' blood will boil on reading this. (mine
> did!) but it made me think: Are there in fact any noticeable differences in
> the way men and women appreciate and react to music? Do they tend to have
> gender-related differences in their musical tastes? (You will note I am
> referring only to "differences"! I am not suggesting  that the brains of
> either sex are inferior or superior. )

I guess this is due to a stereotype. Similarly, some hold that there were no
great female painters or composers because of the brain peculiarities... Those
thinking so tend to forget about the social environment for thousands of years
before it when a woman could not expect to realize itself in such ways...

> Another question: if you hear a recording by a pianist who you do not
> recognise, maybe one you have never heard before, can you tell immediately
> whether it is a man or a woman playing? If yes, how do you make the
> distinction?

LOL, I sometimes have difficulty to distinguish between a male counter-tenor and
a female alto (although the difference eventually emerges to me when the
counter-tenor sings certain notes).
Anyway, I doubt anyone can distinguish between a male and female pianist 100% of
the time.

Juozas Rimas Jr (not the one playing)
http://www.mp3.com/juozasrimas (oboe, piano, strings)