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Re: where can I find prints, shirts, etc.

Original message  from: "Benjamin P. Smith" <chevnic@ROCKETMAIL.COM>

> During Glenn's B-Day I was shocked to read on this
> list that at least two members of F_Minor had Glenn
> Gould t-shirts, to wear with pride. . .  (snip)
> I will admit that I have been not a little green, over
> this, and that after reading of the two t-shirt
> wearer-s, I redoubled my web journeys, searching for
> the items, but all to no avail. Please help me, in my
> search for t-shirts, prints, posters, and a complete
> catalog (that can be ordered from) of Glenn's
> recordings, films and writings.
Well, I guess I may have been one of those who admitted to wearing Glenn
Gould  t-shirts!   (and when I read that you were "shocked" at this, my
first thought was  Whoops..... do I detect a note of disapproval?  Perhaps
F-minors think it is not in good taste to display his image and name on
one's person!) But no, evidently you'd like to get hold of one yourself....

Well, I dont think you can buy such a thing; at least, I havent found any
companies or websites offering such items for sale.  But if you're
interested, I MAKE MY OWN , designing them on the computer and then printing
then onto a white T-shirt using transfer paper. I have in fact made several
designs,  ( one includes a caricature of him which I drew myself. I  shudder
to think what Mr Gould himself would say to  _ that_, but other people have
viewed it with approval!)

 You can of course find shops who offer a t-shirt printing service, using
photos provided by the customer, but I have no experience of  this, and
don't know what the results are like. I guess they might be a bit limited as
regards choice of  style, design, and size  of the image. Designing your own
is more fun; you can put whatever you like....including your own choice of
text! I have even used a page of music from the Goldbergs as a background to
the designs; this may sound odd, but it prints very well onto the fabric and
is quite decorative.
