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Re: R: GG: End of Concerts Possible??

All of this is a wakeup call to remind us that we can't exclusively love music in our living rooms and on the Internet. We have an obligation to buy tickets and go to concerts.
Each of us needs to think about "adopting" a particular struggling music ensemble. They need not just money but volunteers, people who spread the gospel of musical enthusiasm through the community.
Glenn was right to withdraw from the concert stage -- for Glenn.
But right or wrong, the mainstream of music culture has always centered around the live performance. Even if it's a pain in the butt for the performers, it's a thrill like no other musical thrill for the audience.
In particular, educated, cultured parents who never take small children to a symphony should be reported to the authorities. Every orchestra devotes several annual concerts to child audiences, and my memories of these are among the happiest of my childhood -- marvelous, loud, funny music like Harry Janos, Lieutenant Kije, Carnival of the Animals. Last year I went to a performance of "Don Giovanni" by the Salzburg Marionettes, and I've never seen such enchanted children as those in that audience. Now they all know that some dead old white guy named Mozart had something to do with that magic, and they'll never forget it.
So ... adopt a symphony today. Wear its t-shirt proudly. Bake a cake for its benefit lunch. Spend a few evenings on the phone with its subscription campaign. Change your will and leave it a modest gift after you don't need it anymore. Pick up the phone and ask, "What can I do, how can I help?"
-----Original Message-----
From: madiva <madiva@WORKING.IT>
Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: R: GG: End of Concerts Possible??

>Thanks to  Ms. Mary Jo Watts for  the news and the link about The "Toronto
>Symphony Orchestra"
>I remember that in the  piece  "  With the memory don't to joke or Memory of
>the Toronto Symphony Orchestra" GlennGould talk  about "His Orchestra" with
> This text is published in  the Italian Book " Glenn Gould - No, non sono un
>eccentrico" edit by Bruno Monsaingeon (Glenn Gould - No, I aren't an
>eccentric")  EDT Musica  - Torino.
>Gould has had   deep affection for this ensemble  that was  the Orchestra of
>His childhood, of His debut, of His home.
>It's sad, now, to hear  this case : Glenn Gould was a prophet when He   said
>"In the Year 2000 the live Concert will dead"  ?
>Valeria Massari