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Re: GG : a possible underlying cause of physical symptoms

In a message dated 4/26/00 10:03:03 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 
katecluniesross@hotmail.com writes:

<< Is there any medically knowlegable f-minor out there who could tell me if 
 am talking nonsense or whether  lupus, or any related auto-immune disorder, 
 is a possibility?
 Lupus is notoriously difficult to diagnose, and is especially rare in men (I 
 understand nine-tenths of patients are women) although not impossible. Some 
 people go for years without being diagnosed. I expect their friends just 
 think they are hypochondriacs. >>

Hi Kate,
I don't think that you're talking nonsense at all; I was diagnosed with lupus 
around eleven years ago and have often wondered whether GG had it. There can 
be a certain blood complement that make one more susceptable to strokes. 
Before diagnosis a person can be accused of being a hypochondriac, even by 
doctors if they refuse to run the proper tests. I always had an aversion to 
daylight and have been a night person my entire life. Sun exposure could, 
quite literally, kill me. 
With some plaquenil and prednisone....who knows? GG might still be recording 
or conducting.
