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Re: GG and smoking/Where did the watches go?

From: Little Lord Fontleroi <x>
To: f_minor@email.rutgers.edu <f_minor@email.rutgers.edu>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 5:52 PM
Subject: GG and smoking

>Did Glenn Gould smoke?  I know he was staunchly abstemious when it
came to
>alcohol, and no photos that i know of show him with a cigarette.  Yet
>distinctly remember reading a review of a biography of Glenn Gould,
>supposedly "the first work to try to explain his various neuroses
>pill-popping and _chain-smoking_."  Anyone know one way or the other?

I've never read anything that mentions GG smoking. It seems out of
character for someone who wished Toronto would become a "dry" city and
stop serving alcohol. And for someone who called himself "The Last
Puritan." (I'm sure some will argue that about many of the things he
did.) But who knows? When he was young and no one was watching...

How often has anyone seen pictures of GG wearing a watch? The one I
can remember was the Avedon picture of Lenny & Glenn now used on the
cover of the Brahms concerto. (I think it was originally used on one
of their Beethoven recordings.) I also saw Glenn wearing a watch on
the "Two Portraits" tape. But after that, nada. Does anybody know if
he stopped wearing watches altogether, and if so, was there a reason?