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Re: GG: Voyager

    Where does ethereal genius like Gould's and Mozart's come from?

Statistics.  There's lots of people.  Statistically, it's certain that
there will be some with exceptional gifts (in whatever field of endeavor).
(It's also certain there are many potential Goulds and Mozarts and
Einsteins who didn't live in the proper place or time to develop their gifts.)

    are certainly all eventually entirely explicable at the biomolecular, even
    the genetic level." ?

It won't be entirely explicable IMHO, because so much of what humans do
is a high-level phenomena.  It's not an explanation to say neuron A
fires, then neuron B, therefore GG could play piano that way.

Anyway there's always quantum mechanics to fall back on -- everything is
statistics, nothing is certain.

I refer you to Douglas Hofstadter for more :).  (Warning: many
institutional scientists don't like Hofstadter's work; I think it makes
all the sense in the world, but hey, what do I know.)

    If there's any possibility that the more Gould we get, the less Hum ...
    well, Save The Hum!

I completely agree with you :).  On all these super-improved CD's I miss
it a lot.  I'm considering searching out some original LP's :).