From: Jean-Christophe Ponsero <ponserj2@YAHOO.FR>
Reply-To: Jean-Christophe Ponsero <ponserj2@YAHOO.FR>
Subject: Re: [F_MINOR] The Song Beneath the Ice
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 01:36:53 +0100
Hi everybody
I allow myself to break in at this point because the
Pictures are one of my favourite piano works.
I would simply recommend a few interpretations:
* above all, Byron Janis, who is technically great,
inspired, always of superior taste, although like most
people he doesn't respect the written rhythm in the
Great Gate of Kiev.
*then Horowitz (who, by the way, would have been 100
years old this year), who "improved" the score by
doubling some octaves and even worse. The sound is a
bit crackling since it's from the 40s, but it is so
full of might!
*Then a few others: Brigitte Engerer and Ivo
Pogorelich, the latter being very slow and personal,
but it works somehow.
I hope you can listen to some of these and I would be
glad to hear some other opinions about this great
--- Peter Lyon <petermlyon@HOTMAIL.COM> a écrit : >