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Re: GG Wagner's "Siegfrid Idyll "

Wheeee! Free Deutsches lessons from Jost! Danke!
Uhhh ... is "some EUR 0,02" = "just my two cents"? 
-----Original Message-----
From: Jost Ammon <Jost.Ammon@GMX.DE>
Date: Monday, April 08, 2002 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: GG Wagner's "Siegfrid Idyll "

There is no noun like "der Untergeher" in German.
There is
1. the verb "untergehen"
(= "sink" as in "das Schiff sinkt" or "perish" as in "das Römische Reich ist untergegangen")
2. the noun "Untergang"
(= "shipwreck as in "der Untergang der Titanic" or "decline" as in "der Untergang des Römischen Reichs")
So the "Untergeher" is "the one who perishes" or in a mimetic translation (of which I don't know if it works) "the perisher" or "the failurer".
"The Loser" is not half as devastating as "The Untergeher".
Some EUR 0,02