Ya Glenn always wished to be thought of as an independent and rarely
admitted when anyone had influenced him in his music education or habits.
His mother was extremely strict and made sure Glenn played pieces
with each note precisly right. If he made a mistake, she glared at
with an evil eye knowing he'd get the hint. Or, she stopped him
and made sure he corrected it right then and there. She also demanded
that he sing every note that he played at the keyboard. That's where
learned his humming from. =0)
Also, Glenn's music teacher, Alberto Guerrero had a method of
with "the art of finger-tapping," as he called it.
For example, you take the notes D,E,F sharp, G, and A. Place your
hand on all these notes in 1,2,3,4,5 order. Then you take your left hand
and tap
the tips of the right fingers successively to the bottom of the keys. The
right hand takes
no strength while doing this, just simply relaxes. The motion of the
would be extremely fast. The second stage involves playing the notes
with a staccato motion with each note being seperated with about 2
of silence.
Gould would be seen randomly practicing passages of songs like this.
I've tried this, it seems really strange. I can't tell if it has helped
though. But
evidently if Gould spent his time with this excersise, it can't be a waste
of effort.
How about someone else try this and tell me if anything happens
their piano playing.