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Re: Why 1981 Goldbergs better than 1955?

>No, it's not at all a question of which one is better. They're two entirely
>different kinds of performances.

Yes, I totally agree - I asked only because in two messages sent to this list
lately about Bagatelles, the quality of the latter was compared to that of 1981
Goldbergs so I thought there was a prevailing opinion among connoisseurs.

Although I have the 1981 on a cd, I borrowed the 1955 version and made MP3s from
both CDs. I make mixed Winamp playlists that include alternating selections of
earlier and later Goldbergs recordings.

When I have more free time to listen, I make a big playlist that partly depicts
Bach's course of creating canons and variations too: first go the Gouldberg
then - the 14 canons on the Goldberg ground (BWV1087) by Musica Antiqua Koeln -
and the last comes the Musical Offering (alternating performances by N.
Harnoncourt and N. Marriner).

The playlist includes some of the best music ever written :))

Juozas Rimas Jr