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GG Animated GIF

Hi folks,

   In one of my great feats of insomnia, I have managed to create to my 
   knowledge the first GG animated GIF on the Internet.

   The Steinway CD318 piano was Gould's prize possession and he used it
   to make all his recordings through the 1970's. This animated gif
   records the moment when the piano was dropped by movers cracking the
   casted frame holding the strings. Although an attempt was made to
   repair it, Gould complained that his piano never sounded the same
   again. The Steinway CD318 eventually passed to the National library in
   Ottawa. The first photograph ("not his piano, not his chair") is by
   Walter Curtin for the Rolling Stone magazine interview and is used 
   without permission.    My gif file is entitled The Ecstasy and Agony 
   of Glenn Gould.

   So, for a good time look at 

   or on my page generally

   Speaking of the CD318, I was by the National Library today, and the 
   security guard said that the action had been taken out of the piano
   recently and refurbished.   With his permission I tried out the key
   travel and found it to be about 3/8 of an inch, normal for a piano.
   Gould, according to Vern Edquist his tuner and technician, insisted on 
   a very shallow touch, about half that.  So whatever special feel Gould
   had set up for the piano is lost forever although I suspect that happened
   long before this refurbishment.

   Sic transit gloria mundi.

   Have a nice weekend.
