[f_minor] John Sankey's MIDI treasury of Byrd's compositions

Robert Merkin bobmerk at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 19 00:54:28 EDT 2010

An enormous free treasury of MIDIs of William Byrd's (1543 - 1623) keyboard compositions, most or all by John Sankey, can be found at


The MIDIs appear to simulate the virginal, although in Byrd's day, virginal was used as a general term and could mean the harpsichord. If anyone dives into this site for the huge pleasure there, I'd be grateful for any insights into the specific kinds of sounds Mr. Sankey, who styles himself "Harpsichordist to the Internet," has shaped in these MIDIs. Sankey's bio says he was an Associate at the Royal Conservatory of Toronto when he was 16.

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