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Hello all, Kristen here, alive and still reasonably well, though busy and
scatterbrained as anything. 

I'd like to announce that in true Gouldian fashion, Donchery at theglobe.com
has been completely abandoned, to clear the way for upcoming whims. 

The whole Donchery shebang (complete with new java-packed goodies) has been
relocated to www.glenngould.org courtesy of K. Berry - whom I personally
nominated for the Gould Prize, webmaster division. (Better luck next time,
Berry old chum!)

So, while I continue to unpack boxes and sort out old links and things, feel
free to update your bookmarks and take a look around. Updates will
(hopefully) be more expeditious in the future, and no, the photos page is
STILL not operational. 
Mea Culpa. ;-)

Best wishes,


Wer sich nicht zu fragen traut, 
schämt sich etwas dazuzulernen. 
  -- Dänisches Sprichwort 

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