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Re: Vs: GG's orthodox interpretations

Mikko Sorsa wrote:

>  >I could be wrong, but I was always under the impression that GG played the
> >stuff he really liked reeeallly sssllooowww so as to savor the music's
>     At first I thought so too, but I got the impression that Gould hated Appassionata and his interpretation of it is very slow. I think Gould was very interested in the question how slow can you play, but still maintain the listeners interest and the compositions musical flow.  But in many cases, your opinion is surely true.
> Any other opinions about this?
> Mikko Sorsa

I would simply like to address his slow tempo for the first movement of the Appassionata.  I have listened to many more "orthodox" interpretations and feel that Gould's slow tempo ultimately unified the first movement.  In my mind it struck me as frgamented abruptly moving from one idea to the next.  I don't feel that at Gould's
tempo and have found more depth and subsequent value in this "unorthodox" interpretation.
