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Re: GG: not in _Time_

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, Daniel Vaiser wrote:

> I am just curious: is Arnold Schoenberg on that list of influential
> artists?  Just wondering. All the best.

I was going to ask the same question about Schoenberg.  Less because I
have a personal vote to cast in this direction, but more by way of
sociological observation:  30 years ago, when Stravinsky and Schoenberg
were more clearly the twin titans of 20th music in the popular and
journalistic imagination, they probably wouldn't have mentioned one
without the other.  And of course, to the dominant arm of the
compositional avant-garde, Arnold S. would have been the clear and obvious
choice.  It's interesting how things look different to people at the end
of the century.

Gould, of course, was a Schoenberg groupie.  He makes the prediction on
one of the BBC videos from the '60s that if one composer would be
remembered a hundred years from then (or was it at the end of the
century?) it would be Schoenberg.
