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Re: GG and Mozart

At 08:02 PM 8/26/96 "Alan" wrote

>	GG did or could have produced the last 3 symphonies, 39,40,41, a 
>clarinet concerto and a Requiem in his final days?

Yes, but he had no interest in composing in that style.

>	***** And, he insisted that the world accept his humming and 
>chair noises along with the music of Bach.

He didn't "insist" anything from the world.  He played the music for his
own love of it (or, as with Mozart, to prove a point). 

>	To assert that WMA was NOT a great composer possibly GG was in 
>one of his mood swings or simply mad.

GG said at one point that he had thought ever since he was a child that WAM
was not a very good composer.

>who can 
>attest to his [Gould's] compsosing skills? What kind of ego would make that 
>statement about Mozart?
I have no reason to believe that criticisms from anyone about a popular 
composer are egotistical.  Even if Tchaikovsky were considered the greatest
composer who ever lived Gould would voice his opinions.


At least we agree on something... :-)
