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Re: Pastorale Symphony

Tim Conway wrote
> Has nobody seen Disney's cartoon 'Fantasia', first released in, I think,
> the 1940s? It has the most joyous (and perhaps kitsch) representation of
> LvB's Pastoral (not Pastorale) Symphony ever devised, complete with a
> non-PC, fat, belching, quaffing Bacchus and numerous fawns, nymphs,
> satyrs and assorted tosspots and nubiles. An 'improved' Fantasia has
> recently been released but I'm not sure in what way the improvement is
> achieved. It is designated a 'kids' film but if you haven't seen it, give
> it a go when it hits your video store. The JSB T&F in d-minor alone is
> worth the hire price.
Ah yes, I saw it as a kid and still enjoy it occasionally! But very
un-Gouldian , of sourse. Apparently GG was taken to see it as a child and
was horribly unimpressed. He said it gave him the first headache he could
remember having. And all the bright colours! ( green dinosaurs, pink
hippopotami) ... Not to his taste at all.
I've forgotten exactly where I read this. I'll have to look it up.

Best wishes to all

PS....re Clockwork Orange: I think it recently overcame its UK ban and can
be seen here now. But it  _was_  briefly released at the time it was made; I
remember seeing it then at a cinema in London, but I am not sure if the
version shown then was exactly the same as the one available now.