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Re: off-topic Vonnegut sighting update

yeah yeah yeah yeah the other side of my brane was at the dry cleaners when i wrote
that ... the side that saw the movie.

On "Cheers," Sam read "War and Peace" to impress Diane and her old flame the snooty
literature professor over dinner. Afterwards ...

DIANE: Oh, Sam ... I am SO moved. You actually read that book just for me ... so many
other guys would have just rented the video.


Bradley P Lehman wrote:

> Now, how is this in any way "off-topic"?  Glenn Gould did the music of the
> film version.  How much more on topic could it be?  ("None.  None more on
> topic," as Nigel would say.)
> But the book is better, despite that.  Terrific book.  And it can be read
> in only slightly more time than it takes to watch the film.  Not that time
> is linear anyway here on Tralfamadore.
> Not to mention that GG quotes from it in at least one of his essays.
> Poo-tee-weet?