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Re: re: GG: Sound recording resources?


the only books on Stoky presently in my possession are "The mystery of
Leopold Stokowski" by W.A. Smith, a psychoanalytical interpretation of his
work and life not devoid of interesting information about his recording and
performing habits, and a short study by Paul Robinson, "Stokowski",
published in Britain in the seventies (a few pages are dedicated to the
already well known Stoky's interactions with Glenn Gould).
Possibly some information about the recording techniques used for Fantasia
could be found on books or Web sites dedicated to Movies or Walt Disney.

Some interesting informations can also be gathered on the Web through the
Stokowski Society:


Also, a fairly rich source ofinformation is the University's of
Pennsylvania site:


Skip wrote:

>Is there a worthwhile book on Stoki other than the Chasins one? That I have
>read (and read and read) and it doesn't go too far into technology.
