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Re: GG:Glenn chat/Sony

>But Sony apparently didn't think there was a market to release the video
>footage intact (which would be a lot more than a mere 17 hours!).

Interesting, and how misguided. What market *has* Sony satisfied in the end?
GG amateurs? Music amateurs? I can't imagine how integrity (both ethical and
material) could not be the greatest market enhancer. Imagine if Sony applied
the same logic to other 'holdings': "sorry, no one really likes the longer
bits in our rereleases of Bergman's films, so we just..."

>I thought Bruno M. more or less single-handedly did the editing/grouping,
>although I'm not sure where I got that impression.  I think in one of
>the booklets along with the videos, maybe the first one. 
>As for why, you'd have to ask him, but from that same vaguely-recalled
>source, I seem to remember that he thought the video footage was in
>danger of being lost, and so perhaps any release at all seemed better
>than nothing to him.

I too have a vague recollection of this.  Alas. What we have is indeed
better than lost footage. And yet... 


Ron Davis  / Assistant Professor 
Department of French  / University of Toronto
Vox: (416) 929-2324 / Fax: (416) 929-1087
e-mail: rdavis@chass.utoronto.ca