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Re: Scarletti too monophonic? What about Gibbons?

In message <199608240620.AA07268@lafn.org>, Eugene Selig
<aq094@lafn.org> writes
>Neil Tingley suggests that GG rejected Scarlatti because the music wasn't 

Well I wondered aloud ? Its ages since I've heard any Scarlatti and I
couldn't remember if it was contrapuntal !

>Actually, S. employed imitative writing (one hand 
>repeating the line of the other hand, but lagging it by a few beats or 
>bars), and there are even some sonatas in actual fugual style. GG would 
>have treated any of the 550 pieces by S. as though they were 
>contrapuntal, i.e., bringing out "voices" even when they did not exist 

Neil Tingley                   Furtwaengler FAQ from r.m.c.r contributers at:
neil@music.demon.co.uk         http://www.netlink.co.uk/users/music/ & links to
London, UK                     G.H Gould and others "more about me" menu.